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Candy Corn White Chocolate M& Ms. ‘Nuff Said.

We take a slight detour from our exploration of my bag of candy from Indianapolis to check out some fall candy delicacies. Today, we explore a twist on the ever delightful candy corn. We’ve visited candy corn in the past, so I am welcoming a new twist into the fold. 

So, first off, I have some saddish news. In the rush to get iOS 7 on my phone, I imported all the photos on my phone to my computer and then deleted them off my phone. In the fervor to get the latest and greatest update, I lost my photos from this pairing. Liz, you say, this is why you do your updates right away and don’t wait. To that I reply, shut up you’re not my dad, you can’t tell me what to do.

So, we will have to steal some photos from the net. But hey, not all is lost. They can take my pictures, but they can never take my words and taste buds.

The Candy: Candy Corn Coated White Chocolate M&Ms


I Find M&M People So Upsetting


The Wine: Viognier, The Winery at Bull Run, 2011



The Dream:

I had a taste of the Viognier at winery at Bull Run which we discussed in the winery tour post. It was light and fruity. I very much enjoyed it and thought it would pair nicely with white chocolate. I wasn’t entirely confident, but I steamed ahead anyway. I thought since the two types of sweet were different-fruity and sugary-they could potentially work together.

The result of this pairing is a really good example about how taste buds work differently in different people.

The Reality:

The wine is delightful. LIght, delicious, and fruity with a scent of tart apple and a lemony bite. The candy is also very tasty. The candy coating is fairly and it has only a hint of candy corn. The chocolate has a strong vanilla flavor.



I did not like this pairing. The wine went sour after eating the M&Ms and all together the experience was way too sweet. But Sam, my boyfriend in residence, really loved this pairing and considered it a slam dunk. So I don’t know, try it and see what you think! If you can’t find Viognier, a Reisling may do the trick.

Happy Tasting! We will go back to the bag o’ candy for the next pair. 


About lilliebette

Wine lover, candy aficionado, aspiring foodie

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